Pellon Stop Shine Teflon Iron Cover

Great addition to the iron I've used this product for years - only had to replace it when I've moved and lost the one(s) I had in all of the boxes. From what I understand, the Teflon can wear off after several years of use - but I wouldn't know, because I tend to lose them before this could happen... I like this product as it fits pretty much all irons. I am an absent-minded crafter, I guess. Own several sewing machines and several irons. I like not having to have one cover for each iron. Helps protect fabrics from scorching and "shine" - especially velvets. I actually started purchasing this product specifically for use with velvets. I emboss velvets with stamped images. This product gives you a flat surface - no steam holes that would muck up the clarity of the stamped image. It also gives you a larger surface area, which allows you to arrange several stamps into a design that can be stamped in one pressing. I actually carve my own images and like making them larger than what you can normally find in stamps, and sometimes larger than the plate size on most irons. The one complaint I have is that the plate attaches to the iron with a metal spring. If it gets caught or just slides off a bit it can snap and hurt your finger a bit. Had it happen a few times. UPDATE - Sept 20, 2009: I am adding a quick update as I post reviews of a couple of other products. I rely heavily on ratings and reviews when making online purchases, so want to chip in. It is years later and I still swear by this product. I've found nothing else like it. One is always on my iron and I actually sell it in my online rubber stamp shops. I consider it a must-have for velvet embossing with rubber stamps and have had nothing but positive customer feedback on the product. Great for general clothing/fabric care as well. (Plus I haven't snapped my fingers with the spring for a very long time.) ;) Given that this type of product is pretty rare - and this particular one can fit on so many iron models - today I would rate it 5 STARS. Perhaps the spring attachment could be improved, but I've had the same shoe on the one iron I now use for several years and it holds in place. (It might not work so well on smaller irons, craft irons - the face is large and the spring may be loose if the overall iron is small.) I have not experienced any wearing of the Teflon. I realize I may be considered biased, as I now sell the product myself, but I do not carry many types of crafting accessories and specifically chose to carry this item because of its unique benefits. I do not work for the manufacturer (or receive any perks or discounts from them), I do not sell the item on Amazon. I recommend the product as a household and crafting accessory regardless of where it is purchased. Cheers Good Product -- But Has Some Attachment Issues I purchased the Teflon Iron Plate in late 2006 because the sole plate on an iron that I purchased seemed to collect spray starch and get sticky quickly. The Teflon Plate corrected that issue but it was a bit of a struggle getting it attached to the iron. The Teflon Plate comes with a spring like attachment intended to pull up over the iron to secure the iron. That didn't work well with our particular style of iron. The plate also shifted around a lot during use. I think it would work better with an iron with a larger sole plate.

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